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  LOKASI :  Kabupaten Semarang

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Update Terakhir
10 / 06 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
1174 kali
Harga Mulai
Rp. 95.000.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 165.000.000
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F&P BUBBLE CPAP SYSTEM (Alat inhalasi & Nebulizer)

Fisher & paykel Healthcare developed the Bubble CPAP system for use with spontaneously breathing infants requiring respiratory support.

The F&P Bubble CPAP System incorporates unique features and world-leading himidification technology to provide e rsepiratory support system that is safe, effective and easy to use.

The F&P Infant interface complements the Bubble CPAP System, providing comfort and optimal CPAP support to the infant at risk using nasal prongs or nasal masks.

Komposisi Unit:

- Mixer blender AD-Series
- Humidifier set MR850 - Fisher&Paykel
- Aksesories Fisher & Paykel : Breathing Circuit, Infant Bonnet, Nasal Tubing, Nasal Prong, Nasal Mask, Head gear, Optiflow, Trolly

Keyword pencarian:
- Jual Bubble CPAP Fisher & Faykel
- Harga Bubble CPAP Fisher & Paykel
- Aksesoris Bubble CPAP
- Jual Bubble CPAP Murah
- Jual Bubble CPAP
- Jual Kompressor Medis

* Mohon konfirmasi stok sebelum transaksi
* Info lebih lengkap via 0B21334432BB

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