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  LOKASI :  Kabupaten Semarang

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Update Terakhir
10 / 06 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
68 kali
Harga Mulai
Rp. 210.000.000
Sampai dengan
Rp. 235.000.000
Usaha kami bergerak dalam bidang pengadaan peralatan kesehatan baik untuk keperluan pribadi, klinik maupun rumah sakit. Antara lain peralatan laboratorium, poliklinik, IGD, Kebidanan & Ruang Bersalin, Laboratorium Farmasi, ruang operasi (OK) , Instalasi ruang ICU/ PICU/ NICU, Instalasi pengolahan air limbah ( IPAL) rumah sakit maupun industri. .

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Alat Kesehatan

VENTILATOR ICU COMEN V3 (Pediatric to Adult)

High Performance, Power Unit

* V3 features well- designed double valves and high- performance turbines to ensure efficient operation of the ventilation.
* V3 is designed in strict accordance with the environmental standards of the transport ventilators, and has better durability than conventional ventilators.
* Dual valves for inhalation and exhalation
* Both valves can be disassembled for more thorough cleaning
* Quick disassembly without tools
* Support 134℃ high temperature and high- pressure sterilization
* Outstanding durability
* The high- performance turbine provides high- flow rate ventilation of up to 210 L/min to meet the respiratory therapy needs of critically ill patients
* With a turbine life of up to 20,000 hours, no short- term maintenance or replacement is required
* According to the latest CE standards, the inhalation and exhalation valves must be detachable and autoclavable to reduce the risk of hospital infections.

The V3 screen can be flipped freely to the best viewing angle For the most comfortable operating experience.

IntelliSynTec technology: Auto adjust the [expiratory trigger] to the optimal value based on the characteristics of the patient’s lungs , which makes breathing more comfortable for the patients and reduces frequent adjustments of the ventilator settings during treatment. This effectively reduces the workload of caregivers while ensuring better synchronization.


- Harga belum termasuk instalasi
- Garansi service 1 tahun
- Untuk informasi produk via 0B21-3344-32BB

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